Our easy-to-use Freshdesk and Freshservice themes with your brand value on it will be a perfect combination for your support center. All you need is to choose a theme and submit your requirements for branding it according to your needs and we will get this job done.

Our basic requirements for customizing your theme for branding include your organization’s signature colors, images, corporate fonts and logo. If in-case you don’t have much time to provide us all these but have a brand style guide, we can pick your theme colors and images from it or from your official website.

You will have your beautiful branded theme in 12-48 hours once after you order it. We shall give you a demo support portal so that you can verify the changes and confirm if its ready to use.

You can also contact our branding or customization service department if you have anything specific in your mind. You can contact us here.

Our Recent Branded Freshdesk and Freshservice Support Portals

See some of our branded Freshdesk and Freshservice Help Centers, made by our team of Freshworks Theming Experts.

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